Messianic Jewish Links
I write these as if they were facts, because to me, they ARE my reality, but please understand that I never ever think that anyone else has to believe what I believe or practice about anything. This is just my set of beliefs, currently, based on tons of Bible verses and historical research:
1) Jesus is still a Jew. The "last trump" will likely be a shofar.
2) God cares about everyone, but Israelis all over the world are on His heart more than ever, because He gave them the keys to so many things that we as gentiles struggle to understand about Him.
3) The Feasts of the Lord are not done away with, but the sacrifices are done away with. The Feasts are God's parties, and we are invited! I keep the Feasts, and since my mom tried to prove me wrong, she now keeps them as well and has started a web site about it: Shabbat is the Great Feast (Lev. 23, Collosians 2:14, Hebrews 4). Shabbat means "rest" not "church" (which can be very UNRESTFUL indeed).
4) God MADE precious metals and gemstones, and He didn't intend for them to just remain on the ground. It's only through paganism that jewelry has ever been a bad thing, and jewelry that has not been touched by paganism (through it's making or through "prayer") is not wrong to wear, as it celebrates God's creative mind and power.
5) Jesus danced at the Jewish wedding at Cana. I don't see how dancing for God to celebrate the good Gifts He gives us is somehow wrong.
6) Theatres can be used for good or evil - it's up to the individual viewer to decide what they want to see/hear. I personally don't go because my ears are too sensitive to the loudness of the speakers, but that's pretty much it. I still buy the cheap DVDs at Wal-Mart once in awhile.
7) Like hell are women not "ordainable" by the Holy Spirit!
8) Baptism in and of itself doesn't "wash" anybody clean, and it shouldn't be done for the remission of sins. Rather, a person ought to be able to find themselves in a Loving, Accepting environment where it's OK to admit the things they've done that God convicts them of, and where people will be there to Love and support them through the trauma of being Spiritually Reborn, rather than just throwing a set of doctrines and proof texts at them and saying "there you go, now take a 'bath' and have a nice life." After a person is Spiritually Reborn, hmm... I kinda like the hot tub approach! But I guess I'm partial to that. And I don't think it should happen at all until they've been brought by God to a place where they are SURE that it's what He wants, not just what some pastor wants for them. Also, baptism IS a Wedding. I also believe that it relates directly to Passover, though it need not be done during Passover. And it's NOT a person's commitment to God! What, are we THAT conceited, to think we are able to keep Holy commitments? No, it's God's commitment to a person, just as a Jewish groom signs his life away to his bride at the betrothal ceremony and then does it again at their wedding. She never has to commit to him, and she is always protected by him (which in turn protects her heart from wanting to stray from his).
9) God is One. He takes on different personalities, even all at the same time, and can be in more than one place at a time, but He's still just Himself! He's omnipotent: He can do that if He very well wants to!
10) God is Love is the Rock. I am a little flower. He's also in charge of my happiness - I am not.
OK, here are the links:Jewish Jewels (MJ Free Internet Hebrew Lesson Videos & Cultural Videos)
IsraelNet.TV (MJ Free Internet TV) (MJ Free Internet Radio) (Hebrew Calendar)
Adventist Messianic Fellowship (mom's site, half completed/live)
Passover Haggadah (MJ Passover Guide)
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