The Rock is Love: Beliefs

Reflecting on core beliefs... Are they legit?

Monday, May 15, 2006

SDA Beliefs I Agree With

Hmm... I've probably come off sounding like I am anti-SDA in some ways, or ignorant in others. I'd like to point out that there ARE things that SDAs believe that I also believe. Here is a list, so far:
  1. 7th day is a day of rest (Shabbat). I will clarify here that I don't think there's anything that says people have to go to churches in order to be with the believers in the Messiah, or which day that has to take place on. Shabbat = rest, not church.
  2. Jesus will visibly and audibly return. I believe at this time, everyone who has NOT rejected Him who's still alive will be caught up to meet Him along with those who've not rejected Him who have died, who will be resurected at that time.
  3. There will be a hell someday, after the 1,000 years (Millenium). I believe that only those who HAVE openly rejected Salvation through Jesus' Blood on the cross AFTER fully understanding just what in the world it is they are rejecting, and after fully choosing hell over Heaven, are those who would be burned in the hell fire that will cover the surface of the earth and burn itself out before the world is made New.
  4. We will spend that 1,000 years in Heaven, and come back in the New Jerusalem, which will carry God the Father in His Temple and God the Son. I'm unclear of the role of the Holy Spirit at this point. There will be no need for the sun or moon or stars, as God will be the Light that causes all of Eternity to be one long day, yet there will be a calendar that He will Guide us to keep, from "one New Moon to another, one Shabbat to another." I also believe we will keep the Feast of Passover (where Jesus will drink the Passover grape-juice and eat the Matza again) and we will also keep the Feast of Sukkot (Zechariah 14).
  5. Kosher is ok, but vegetarian is more healthy. Jesus DID eat fish, or at least made them into breakfast at one point, as well as served them to thousands of people.
  6. Kids need a right of passage. (I think that's what Bar and Bat Mitzvahs are for. Bar = son, Bat = daughter, Mitzvah = commandments. Son of the commandments. Daughter of the commandments.)
Hmm... At the moment, those are the main things I can think of that I do agree with. Two things I was taught growing up that I heavily dissagree with:
  1. You have to be good to keep your Salvation, or else you'll lose your crown and can't get it back. If that were true, none of us could ever go to Heaven. We all make mistakes, even after being Saved. Therefore, I believe that while the choice is available to reject one's own Salvation, I can't imagine that anyone would really WANT to reject it after receiving such an Awsome thing, and really understanding both what they are rejecting as well as how they would feel about it later, after rejecting it.
  2. Girls in Pathfinders can't wear pants or real feminine colors. What kind of message is that? On the one hand, you can't look like a guy, and on the other hand, you have to??? Gah!
Ok, well, enough of the complaints. My purpose was to find common ground with you, my SDA friends, who in truth I Love deeply. (I'm still learning what it means to put that Love into action, heh. Thanks for your patience with me.)

So, have a great evening, all. I guess I'd better get ready for me Messianic Jewish dancing class - it starts at 8 :)


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