The Rock is Love: Beliefs

Reflecting on core beliefs... Are they legit?

Monday, July 17, 2006

Corrospondance Tips from Paul

Sha 'ul (Paul), is probably the hardest writer in the NT to understand - or that's what Christians tend to say (Messianic Jews find him easier to understand, since they have the background to understand him from). Yet as I was reading Phillipians, admittedly from a more natural born gentile perspective, something caught my eye. I realized that there is a certain "form" in how he is writing this letter. Since most of my corrospondance tends to be by email, and tends I think to be rather boring, I thought I'd take some tips from good ol' Saul of Tarshish, and spice my emails up a bit from time to time. If you want to follow along, please use a copy of The Complete Jewish Bible (David H. Stern, translator).

Phillipians Paragraphs
1: Greetings which make mention of God's Grace and Great Love for the one(s) recieving the letter.
2: A prayer regarding the Salvation of the Beloved readers.
3: State the facts of my situation, and how they related to the Gospel and discipleship.
4: Encourage the reader(s) regarding the positives in that situation, and regarding the relationship I have with them.
5: Encourage the reader(s) to live Purely, according to the Gospel.
6: Encourage the reader(s) to do what will be best for them, which in turn will make me happy.

... This is a very long book! I don't have time in one morning to go through and finish this. However, I will add more to it later, as I have time.


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